Monday, July 19, 2010

Tend to over analyze anyone?

hi guys?

so here's the story today, i was with some friends and we were discussing some of the differences between males and females. After a long debate and "arguing" what we boiled it down to was the fact that men, see things as exactly what they are, whereas women on the other hand... well we tend to over exaggerate over analyze and get over stressed up about basically somethings that were not even there to begin with.

A mans mind is simple, it's like an on and off switch, no twisting and turning, straight to the point and that's it.

women... Argh! we make our lives difficult and blame others for it! for example: A friend went to a football match with a guy she likes, he offered to drive her... all good! she came home and called me and we talked for 2 hours. For us girls things are soooo complicated. the questions we went over and over where along the lines of: well, why did he offer to drive me in the first place if he didnt like me, why did he not drive anyone else, why did he smile at me while he was eating, why did he do this and why did he do that??? Com'on!!! let's get serious here... there is nothing more in a mans actions that what is actually offered. A guy will not scheme, or plan ahead or use tricks. For men it's either black or white. Nothing more, nothing less!

This girlfriend of mine "read" between the lines and thought that there was a flirtatious situation going on... acted as thought something was there... and guess what? She fell flat on her face when the guy told her one day that he has a girlfriend! she was sooo sure that he wanted her, she got her judgment all clouded up and at the end? she made a fool of herself!

so... lesson to be learned. things are exactly what things are! nothing between the lines, above the lines, below the lines! nothing more nothing less!


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