Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Morning

Well, here we are again... another Monday morning and i'm at the office. I really hate Mondays for two reasons:

#1 well.. it's Monday! who likes waking up in the morning at 6:15 to get ready for work after a well rested weekend, where you can sleep in till late and all that. sometimes i wish it was Sunday everyday! not having to worry about work and what to wear, no makeup, no house chores no nothing. Just relaxing, reading blogs, watching videos, catching up with my books and TV shows that i love.

#2... Times flows by so fast and each Monday reminds me that another week has gone by... i always kind of feel sad on Mondays because looking back to the past week I realize that I have accomplished nothing seriously important and that I dont have enough time left to do whatever. I dont know... I wish I were more active in the week but still i dont seem to find the energy because of the classic excuse: I have to wake up in the morning.

One thing that i did yesterday and made me feel really good was donating some cash to It's a non-profit organization that helps children in Ethiopia that were born with the HIV virus. I know that this is nothing to brag about, or show off but i really do care about HIV possitive patients. It's a cause, especially here where i live that is widely neglected and i do believe that people still have taboo's where HIV is concerned!

If everyone could just open their eyes for once and see the big picture!!!

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