Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Study

So, here i am, notes and pens all laid out in front of me and my laptop. I read one word, one sentence and then i go again and turn on my media player and watching supernatural! yea.. i know.. get serious girl or else! i have an appointment with my supervisor on Wednesday and all i got done is 3/4 of a page.

I guess if i do nothing else today i'll be able to do more work. I also got more stuff to study for! i've got 7 chapters of environmental economics, organizational behavior, marketing and one more little project (that one doesn't worry me, it's just a couple of pages!)

Sometimes i wonder how multitasking people can be but then, really? is there such a thing as multitasking? i think NO! i mean com' on, seriously, you cant really concentrate and do 2-3 things at once! you are not committed to the task at hand and end up doing sloppy work!

anyway... i guess i'm going to go get some lunch and continue watching Supernatural (visualizing having a hot date with DEAN!) he is my type of man! he has everything i would love a man to have, a sick sense of humor :p, he's smart, cute and hell VERY sexy!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010


Ok... so, here's the deal! I've been obsessing lately over a show called Supernatural! yea... i know i'm late into the game but i'm really trying to catch up real quickly! I've already watched season 1, i'm midway through season 2 and season 3 is waiting patiently in "downloaded" folder. (seaspm 4 is downloading and it seems like it's taking for ever! damn!)
Sometimes i wish my connection was SUPER UBER fast! it takes a couple of days for me to download full seasons. Anyway! back to the point, I've been a faithful fan of Ghost Whisperer but i couldn't hold my breath for new episodes! (I really love that show and i'm excited every time the newest episode is downloaded and then i feel really really sad when i'm done watching it! :( ) so.... besides my final project work for uni and a full time job (again at uni) i had to find something else to watch! ... i remembered that my brother said Supernatural is fantastic and that i would love it..and soo... here i am... 4 days later and i'm obsessing about it!!!!! Where have i been? why is it that the tv stations in my country are SOOOO back dated or well.. lack good shows?

I guess i have to thank the genius out there who discovered torrent files!

what are your thoughts about the mentioned shows? any other recommendations for me? I'm also trying to download "Fringe" and "Bones" and i really like Cold Cases but i'll pass that show for now :)